Home Phonica Mix Series

Phonica Mix Series 127:
Tiago Walter

The Phonica mix series returns for 2025! Kicking off the year with a bang with one of our favorite and definitely one of the slickest underground producers of the minute; Tiago Walter. Running Jisul Records (together with Nils Diezel and Ba Dum Tish’s Alec Falconer) Tiago Walter has used the imprint to put out killer release after release with a unique and clean take on the tied lines between tech, soulful and deep house. This is a joint sound that you can find travelling not just throughout this hour and a half journey he has recorded for us, but at sets he has played all over Europe i.e. London’s Pickle Factory or Offenbach’s Robert Johnson club! So get your headphones on and prepare to bop your head to this masterclass in house music from the excellent Tiago Walter. As always we had a little chat with Tiago about the mix and what he has coming up!


Hey Tiago, thanks for joining us! Can you tell us about your mix and what the idea behind it was?

I think I tried to capture my mood and what I was into at that moment in my journey.

What are your preferred methods for finding new music—do you still enjoy digging around in dusty crates, or do you prefer to buy online?

To be honest, what I do the most is browsing through the internet (discogs, youtube, juno etc.) because it’s comfortable. But digging around dusty crates never becomes old and is always a lot of fun. I always try to do it when I’m travelling. Unfortunately where I live there are not many options in finding the stuff I really enjoy.

What are five records you couldn’t live without?

Really hard question. I’ll just pick out some club records I really like at the moment.

Dennis DeSantis – Clock Wise
Melchior Productions – The Meaning
Antoio – Closer (Take Me)
Pepe Bradock – 6 Million Pintades EP (Life)
Julien Jabre – Time EP

What has been one of your most memorable sets over your career?

There were many. Especially the ones playing in totally different environments and different cultures and yet still feel so connected through the music. On the other hand it’s hard to beat a night playing at your homespot when all of your friends are coming so you don’t have anything to prove and just get to let it flow.

What do you have up your sleeve for 2024/5?

I am working on new projects and some old ones I recently found and never finished. Also bringing some fresh artists to my label Jisul.

Thanks Tiago 🙂


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