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Phonica Friends & Family Mix Series 23: Patrick (Rolo)

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One of our newest members of staff steps up for the latest Phonica Friends and Family mix, but I wouldnt take alot of attention to the word “newest”. With residencies in London hotspots like Lion & Lamb and more Patrick Rowe aka Rolo is no stranger to the wheels of steel. With a mix just bashing spot on an hour Patrick takes us down a vortex of experimental industrial sounds and warped euphoric trance fused acid and techno. We had a brief chat with Patrick about the mix and what he has going on!


Hey Patrick, thanks for joining us! Can you tell us about your mix and the idea behind it?

It’s a pretty concise snapshot of where my head’s been at the last few years when it comes to dancefloor stuff: tripped-out and cerebral techno/trance.

Can you tell us a bit about how you usually approach recording a mix or a set?

Throw a load of shit at the wall and see what sticks.

What are your preferred methods for finding new music—do you still enjoy digging around in dusty crates, or do you prefer to buy online?

Around 70% shops 30% Cogs. Discogs is important when learning your musical history but all the best bits are found in the crates.

You’ve been working at Phonica for a bit now. Any fond memories worth mentioning?

Every tune recommendation I’ve had – thanks guys.

What are five records you couldn’t live without? 👀

Seefeel – Quique
Cabaret Voltaire – The Conversation
Tupilaq – Alaskan Lab Sweden
Tubeway Army – Replicas
Blondie – Parallel Lines

What do you have up your sleeve for 2025?

I’m now a resident at London based party Local Moves – few bits in the works over there. I’d love to start up a small label, although considering I’ve been collecting records for 6 years and have only now just recorded my first mix, I highly doubt that’ll be happening anytime soon.

Thanks Patrick, now get back to work!


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